Kirsten Manley-Casimir
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Today, let’s take time to reflect on the profound influence of the inspiring women whose stories are interwoven with ours to create the fabric of our lives.


There are so many inspiring women whose lives have touched ours. Some of these women are close to us and have directly shaped who we have become – they are our grandmothers, our mothers, our aunts, our sisters, and our daughters.


These women have nurtured us as children, celebrated our accomplishments, comforted us in times of sorrow, picked us up after we’ve been knocked down, told us hard truths when we needed to hear them, and taught us about our inner strength and resilience.


Other women stand farther away. The lives of these women may not intersect with ours directly but these women have left such an enduring mark in the world that their impact reverberates across the distance.


These women may have lived generations before us; they may live in countries far away from us; or they may just be starting to make their mark on the world. We may know some of these women only by name, through a photo, or by reading a book about them.


They may be the next generation rising up. These future women – the young girls and youth – are coming with such a force that, like a meteor lighting up the night sky, they inspire women around the world with their presence and light.


So many inspiring women have influenced our lives. These women have stood courageously in the face of injustice, have made hard choices to protect their families, have broken down barriers that seemed impenetrable, and have blazed a path for us all to follow.


We stand on the shoulders of these giants – the delicate and the strong, the funny and the fierce, the broken and the beautiful. 


So this week and every week, let’s express our gratitude to all women who have walked before, stood beside, and fought for a better world for all of us.  And let’s celebrate women who continue to stand up for freedom, equality, dignity and justice for all of us everywhere.


As women, let’s continue to interweave our stories and lives so that we can collectively create the most beautiful, resilient fabric the world has ever seen! And through the interconnectedness of our lives, let’s continue to blaze trails for others by purposefully and powerfully creating a better world for all of us.


In solidarity with inspiring women close and far… 


We would love to hear your comments at the bottom of this article about a woman who has impacted your life!


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